Details of the Signature network reader program update in version 2.5.2 from 28/01/2025
- Improved Bluetooth interface.
- Allows switching to sleep mode when playback is paused.
- Added a menu for favorite radio stations from the front panel keys.
- Fixed translations.
- Improved overall operation.
Signature network reader program update - version 2.3.2 from April-November 2024
- Correctly track selected devices on redundant discoveries and fix an issue where power control (sleep, wake) could stop working.
- Fixed restart of playback from the playqueue.
- Removing automatic redirection to WebClient.
- Fixing errors in the Webclient service.
- Fixing audio balance control.
- Fixing playback of HiRes files.
- Bugfix.
Signature network player update - version 2.3.0. May-June, 2024.
- Tidal Max support.
- Playback of 24/192 kHz FLAC high definition radios.
- Maximum volume limit menu added.
- A play queue bug on Tidal Connect was fixed.
- Implementation of a split view for playlists in tablet mode.
- Maximum volume limit menu added.
- Implementation of a scroll bar to quickly go down a list.
- Highlight thumbnails in the list while dragging them to rearrange them (i.e. in the playback queue).
- Correctly added or removed radios from favorites in the recently listened to view.
- Bugfix.
Signature network reader update - version 2.1.0. October, 2023.
- Allow hiding local inputs.
- Fix the bug causing a blank screen on quick consecutive back button presses.
- Show missing “Show Album” context menu entry in player view.
- Replacing track list tile leading with thumbnail image for playlists.
- Enable logging into services in the “Manage sources” settings page.
- Disable player controller buttons and replace the thumbnail with a more significant title for local inputs.
- Add Portuguese translations to the app.
- Fix unreliable OAuth login on iOS.
- Prevent the leaking of tap gestures meant to be on the volume control widget.
- Implement an Airable sorting option selection.
- Fix the bug where the second-level tab bar would sometimes be missing.
Signature network reader update - version 2.0.0. July, 2023.
- Fix Airable playback events when skipping tracks.
- Fix Airable playback events for playback started through the new app.
- Fix detection of concurrent Amazon Music playback across multiple devices.
- Fix the Deezer program seeking premium users.
- Change the HRA host link ID to 37.
- Correct display favourite status for Airable content besides radio and podcast
update translations. - Support the new Signature app “ATOLL Signature·2”.
- Activation of the Amazon Music HD and Amazon Music Ultra HD streaming service.
Signature network reader update - version 1.10.0. March, 2022.
- Adds compatibility with ROON.
- Adds HIGHRESAUDIO music service.
- Implements the ability to make the volume of the digital output variable.
- Allows adding radio stations by entering their URL.
- It adds the ability to suggest a station to the Internet radio menu.
Signature network reader update - version 1.8.3. December, 2021.
- Automatic disconnection from Bluetooth when the device is in sleep mode.
- Fix the device name not send the device ID.
- Fix title tags in the web interface to show the correct device name.
- Adds settings to modify the names displayed for local inputs.
- Fixed TIDAL Connect playback stopping unexpectedly when transitioning between sample widths.
- Fixed text not scrolling when only part of the last character is off-screen.
The affected products are MS120 – ST200 Signature – ST300 Signature – SDA200 Signature.
Signature network reader update - version 1.8.2. November, 2021.
- Avoids the untimely search for a new version.
- Fixes DSD playback on a NAS.
- Improves DSD playback on ST300 Signature.
The affected products are MS120 – ST200 Signature – ST300 Signature – SDA200 Signature.

TIDAL login update and access to TIDAL Connect.
- The latest update changes the connection to the TIDAL streaming site.
- The connection must be made from the ATOLL Signature application from the menu: TIDAL/Login.
It is essential to have downloaded the latest version of the ATOLL Signature application beforehand.
- Additionally, network players are now compatible with Tidal Connect.
- Updating network drives is automatic or can be done through the menu: Settings/Software Update.
- From your Tidal application, simply send your music to our streamers!
The affected products are MS120 – ST200 Signature – SDA200 Signature.

Update of Atoll network players for Spotify Connect©.
- An update (v.1.7.0) of our network players now allows access to Spotify© Connect.
- The update of network drives is automatic or can be done via the menu: Parameters/Software update.
- Also, update the ATOLL Signature application on Apple© or Google© Store.
- Once the update is complete, from the Spotify© application, listen to your favourite tracks by sending them directly to the network player.
- You will find all the information on the Spotify website: https://www.spotify.com/fr/connect/
The products concerned are MS120 – ST200 Signature – SDA200 Signature.
Signature network reader drive software and app update.
October, 2019.
A new version of the internal software of the Signature network players, as well as the Apple and Android applications, is now available. All updates are necessary for the device to function properly.
- New software version v. 1.0.12: From the menu: Settings/Software update/check for update.
- New App Versions v.1.3.
Update details:
- MQA format decoding (media server, USB, online music service).
- Decoding studio masters files in high quality from the TIDAL app.
- Display an M (for Master) in the list of albums visible in the TIDAL menu of applications.
- Display of HIRES quality (for High Resolution) in the list of albums visible in the QOBUZ menu of applications.
- From the applications, pressing the cover of the album currently playing allows you to return to the list of songs for this album.
- Display compelling album covers even offline.
The products concerned are ST200 Signature – SDA200 Signature – MS120.